Luciano Vistosi (1931-2010)

The phoenix takes flight, brought back to life by the sacred fire. This is my feeling as I wander among the works of Luciano Vistosi, collected and arranged in his atelier in Murano. Also born from the fire are the most beautiful shapes of the collection. Immovable before the work, I perceive the creative vibration of its genesis. The transparent, delicate material, resting on the wooden base at its slimmest point, resembles a ballerina on tiptoe or a sparrow about to take flight. It stands on its legs and spreads its wings like a fan. The static figure, pure matter, reveals all the tension and vital force of the fire that birthed it. It seems to capture that moment when magma is still being shaped by the breath and skilled hands of its creator, Luciano. During visits to select sculptures for Tihany Design projects, I was fortunate to scrutinize each piece. The first time, I was so entranced by the light and form that I returned to Rome without making a precise choice. I had to return, and I did so with pleasure. Each piece embodies this creative fire, where sometimes the artist endures the force of the material as if it already knew what the master intended to create.

On the tenth anniversary of his death, Luciano remains present, alive, and pulsating among his works. The space, tenderly cared for by Adriana, his lifelong companion, and narrator of his works, remains a magical place of profound regeneration. (October, 2020)